Window Condensation

Why Do You Have Window Condensation?

Too much water vapor in the air causes condensationWell, winter is on it’s way again, which means that many of you will be experiencing that irritating wetness and fogginess on your windows that we all recognize as window condensation.

Some people have minimal amounts in the corners of their windows, while others have massive amounts that cover the windows almost entirely.

Some people may not be concerned with the appearance of condensation, but water damage can result as the water begins to build over time.

  • As the amount of water builds, it may begin to drip down on wooden window frames or on window sills, which can cause rotting and discoloration.
  • The other problem that it can cause is mold, which is not only unsightly, but unhealthy.

Condensation doesn’t just form on windows, it can form on walls, ceilings and storm doors, and both older and newer homes can experience it.

Older homes and condensation

Older homes get condensation on their windows because they weren’t built as well as the homes of today, they are drafty. As the cold dry air of the outside mixes with the warmer and more humid air of the inside of the house, the water vapor in the air turns to liquid. Because a window is cold on one side and warm on the other, that is where the condensation forms.

New homes and condensation

New home can have window condensationNewer homes are built much better and “tighter” than the homes of yesterday, so you would think that because they are less drafty they would have less condensation.

But the lack of drafts in newer homes is the contributing factor to their condensation problems. Because the home is tight, it traps the moisture from such things as showers, laundry appliances and steam from cooking,making it easy for excessive moisture to build up in a home and create the opportunity for condensation.

Controlling Condensation

As a window washer, I have seen plenty of homes that have condensation on their windows, and water damage. If you’re having these problems, you might want to lower your risk by trying some of the following ideas.

  • Always run your kitchen ventilation fan while you are cooking.
    • If you don’t have one you should look into having one installed.
  • Always run the fans in your bathrooms when bathing or showering.
  • If you have a fireplace, you can open the damper periodically to allow excess water vapors to escape.
  • Check your attic and crawl space to make sure they are properly vented.
  • Install storm windows that are double or triple glazed.
  • Turn off humidifiers in the winter.

I can’t eliminate the condensation on your windows, but I can wash them and eliminate the film and dirt that builds up.

Contact me for a free quote





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