How to Make Your Own Window Cleaning Solutions
There aren’t many things that can compare to the great feeling of looking through clean windows, and not seeing fingerprints, nose prints, water spots, splatters or that gray film that regularly accumulates.
But what do you use to get those sparkling clean windows?
Rather than buying window cleaners, many people are turning to making their own window cleaning solutions. They feel this is more economical and often more effective, and in many instances toxin free.
In my “travels” as a professional window cleaner, I have come across quite a few of these window cleaning solution recipes that I thought I would share with you.
Clean your windows with:
Recipe #1 (and probably the most common one):
1/4 Cup white vinegar – 2 Cups water – 1/2 tsp liquid dish detergent
Recipe #2:
2 Gal hot water – 1/4 Cup ammonia – 4 Tbsp rubbing alcohol – 3 1/2 oz. dishwasher Jet Dry – about 1/4 Cup granulated dishwasher soap
Recipe #3:
1 Gal water – 1 tsp liquid dish washing detergent – 1/4 Cup white vinegar – 2 Tbsp lemon juice
Recipe #4:
1 Gal warm water – 1/2 Cup white vinegar – 1/2 Cup ammonia – 2 Tbsp cornstarch (make sure it gets totally dissolved)
Recipe #5:
2 Cups warm water – 1 Tbsp cornstarch (well dissolved) – 1/4 Cup white vinegar
About the ingredients…
When using liquid dish washing soap, “Dawn” is highly recommended by many people because of its effectiveness and because it is bio-degradable.
- Vinegar is used because it helps remove film from your windows, and is natural and non-toxic.
- Cornstarch helps reduce streaking
Everyone loves clean windows, and these are some good recipes to try if you like washing your windows. But everyone doesn’t like cleaning their own windows, so the solution that I recommend is:
Give me a Call!
I’ll be happy to come out and make your windows shine, and I’ll bring my own window cleaning solution!
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