Tag Archives | Window Screens


Choosing a Window Washer

Washing windows isn’t most people’s favorite task, they love it when their windows are clean, they just don’t want to be the one who cleans them. So, where does that leave them? Hiring someone who will do the job for them. How do you know you’re hiring the right one for you?

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Keep Windows Clean

If there’s one thing that keeps your house from looking and feeling clean, it’s dirty windows. And just the opposite holds true, the one thing that will help your house look and feel clean is clean windows. Here are some tips to help you keep your windows cleaner longer between washings.

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Window Cleaning Tips

With the holidays just around the corner there will most likely be parties, family and friends and lots of activity in your home. The last thing you want to be worrying about is your guests trying to look through your dirty windows, it can be so embarrassing.

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Window Screens

When was the last time you ever thought about your window screens, let alone cleaned them? I’m sure you’re like everyone else…they’re not high on your priority list unless bugs are getting into your home.

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