Seattle, Washington is a beautiful city with great views of the Puget Sound, Mt Rainier and the Olympic Mountains. But, like it or not, it’s hard to keep your windows clean in the Seattle area…

Seattle, Washington is a beautiful city with great views of the Puget Sound, Mt Rainier and the Olympic Mountains. But, like it or not, it’s hard to keep your windows clean in the Seattle area…
Spring is a great time to make sure your windows are not only clean, but also in good condition. Use this small list as a checklist to determine what, if any, maintenance needs to be done.
Are your dirty window affecting your mood, your outlook on life, or even causing you stress? Is that even possible? There are definite mental, and emotional benefits for having clean windows…
You may be asking yourself…”Why do I need to make clean windows one of my New Year’s resolutions, is it that important?” To that, I have to answer a resounding YES! Having clean windows is about more than just looking nice