Why Clean Your Windows in the Winter?
Most people think of summer or springtime as the prime seasons to clean or have their windows cleaned. Winter is so drab, the sun isn’t shining through your windows, so who cares if they’re clean or not?
Plus, most everyone dislikes the task of cleaning the windows, so winter serves as a great excuse to put it off until spring. (I wonder what reason we can use to put it off once spring arrives?)
Aside from the fact that you and your cleaning solution could freeze in the cold weather, there is one very good reason to wash your windows in the winter…overcast skies prevent your cleaning solution from drying before it can be wiped down.
Windows are part of home maintenance
Many homeowners in the Seattle area still like to have their windows done throughout the year for a few reasons….
- Whether it’s summer, spring, winter or fall…dust, fingerprints, and film from candles and fireplaces continues to accumulate on your windows.
- Keeping a home well maintained all year prevents dirt and repairs from building up and becoming more of a job than it needs to be.
Many homeowners have wonderful views of water, mountains or city scapes they want to enjoy year round.
- When the sun does come out in the winter, it’s a glorious thing, one you don’t want to experience through fingerprints and grime on your windows.
Have your windows cleaned
You don’t have to be the one washing your windows in the rain and the cold. Making them sparkle is what I enjoy doing. You won’t have to get out all the cleaning supplies and ladders, spend hours doing something you don’t enjoy doing and then cleaning up after cleaning the windows.
As a professional window washer, I have all the time, tools, patience and experience to get the job done, and get it done right, while you’re doing the things that you like or want to do. Your windows will look better and you’ll feel better.
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